Rascal: Unknown Christian Bigot

Rascally Act: Self-Righteousness, Religious Intolerance, Defacing the sacred text of another religion.

Rascally Details: Our pious little rascal was obviously none too pleased to find their beloved Holy Bible sharing the top drawer of a hotel room with the false prophecy commonly known as The Book Of Mormon. I mean "Moron" - hahaha! How dare a hotel chain in God's favorite country have the audacity to make available the text of a religious tradition other Christianity? Lest anyone get the wrong idea here, and thinks God writes all religious texts, they want to make it clear that this book was written by Joe Smith - not God. Got it?

This God-fearing guest was obviously worried that a poor, confused soul like yourself - seeking answers from the first religious text in sight, might be forever lead astray into a life of polygamy and sin. So let's get something fucking straight here - Joseph Smith is not God, you dumb ass! Jesus is God. Got it? I should hope so - they went through the trouble of underlying it, just to get through that thick, heathen skull of yours. And what's this fucking shit about "Plates of Nephi"? God writes on tables - not plates, you shit heads! If your parents had raised you right, sent you to Sunday school, you'd know this already.

Again - this may be holy scripture, but make no mistake, Buster - this is "Not Gods Word". Underlined twice for extra emphasis.

Anonymous Christian Vandal - God Bless Ya! I'm sure countless souls have been saved by your noble intervention. May you enjoy your rightful place in the Kingdom of Heaven for all eternity, when your work here on earth is done. Obviously, there's still plenty left to do.

Your Brother in Christ (Not Joseph Smith!!!),
Rascal of the Day

brett wasley
8/7/2013 03:39:14 pm

you've got time on your hands mate


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