Rascal: Gary Weddle

Rascally Act: Impersonating Osama Bin Laden...out of his spite for Osama Bin Laden.

Rascally Details: Nearly ten years ago, when the architectural symbols of Murikuhn imperial dominance were brought down through careful planning by cave-dwelling infidels, Gary Weddle made a promise. The substitute teacher vowed to never shave or otherwise shorten his beard until the day that Osama Bin Laden was captured and/or killed.


At left: Gary attends Easter mass, donning the purple turban of royalty.

We here at Rascal of the Day are wondering exactly what made this OBL-imposter wear a Crown Royal bag over his head to church.


At left: Gary, thinkin', preparin. Gettin' readuh fur shavin'.


At left: Gary caught himself a chin squirrel!

Gary is joyous that another human being (and fellow Rascal) met a bloody demise after hundreds of thousands of innocent lives and billions of public dollars have been spent...so he can shave off his fucking beard.

Well, Gary, you've shown your true patriotism and love for the good ol' US of A. By reminding us exactly what Osama Bin Laden looks like, we will never  forget that appearance isn't everything...until the next episode of American Idol.

So to you Gary, teacher, Rascal imposter, bearded Rascal: we send out our inaugural Redneck salute (which is eerily similar to the brown-neck salute often seen in Muslin countries, usually accompanied by a group of men hopping around in passionate dance)...ya damn Rascal!!!